2009 Oct 11 Coastal Clean-up (SAG)

Invitation to Coastal Clean-up on 11 October

(Chinese version)

Many Support Australia Group members enjoy Hong Kong’s beautiful beaches, waterways and coastal walking trails during the summer months.  So Advance’s Green Network and the Australian Association invite you and your friends to join the Coastal Clean-up initiative with us on Sunday 11 October, from 10.30 to 2pm.

Subject to Clean-up volunteer numbers, we would like to target beaches that do not have government-funded cleaning at Sai Kung, Discovery Bay, Lantau and on Hong Kong Island (in the Pok Fu Lam area).

You can register online for the event or contact your Support Australia organisation, preferably before 5 October so we can arrange the right amount of clean-up equipment (rubber gloves, bags etc)!  We intend to assemble teams and advise you directly of your clean-up location.

Our goal is to bring ‘Team Australia’ together to clean-up HK’s coastal environment to make it more enjoyable for all!

For more information on the campaign, please visit www.HKcoastalcleanup.org

To join the Australian volunteers, register with Advance:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.faaa.org.hk/2009-oct-11-coastal-clean-up-sag/