2011 Apr 3 5th Inter-U Badminton Tournament

Date :   3 April 2011 (Sunday)
Time:      1 pm to 6 pm  
Venue:  Western Park Sports Centre   
        18 Eastern Street North
        Sai Ying Pun
        Hong Kong  (map attached)

Events:  Team Tournament 
(Events including):            
*  Women Single  
*  Men Single      
*  Men Double      
*  Mixed Double                 

Rules:  May provide in due course

Prizes:      FAAA Cup :     Champion Team 
             Trophies:        Champion Team’s members
             Medals :           Winners of each event 

Cash Prizes:   Champion team (HK$800) 
                        1st Runner Up Team (HK$300)

Cost : HK$180 (player only) –  water and fruits would be provided for players only

Deadline: 21 March 2010  
–  Submit names of the player & university in the attached registration form & sent      
    to Mr. Solomon Wong by email at [email protected] on or before 
    21 March 2010. 

Program arrangement:   would be announced on the spot

Enquiry & registration:  Ms. Amy Chan (Monash University) at 9498 2478   or
	                   Mr. Solomon Wong (Monash University) at 90122974

Please download the application form

Permanent link to this article: https://www.faaa.org.hk/2011-apr-3-5th-inter-u-badminton-tournament/