2011 OCT 16 CPA Australia Walkathon & Photo Competition (SAG)

Put on your hiking shoes and show your care to the community Sunday 16 October 2011

Dear Rachel,

As a Caring Company and a keen advocate of CSR, CPA Australia invites you to join us for a healthy and meaningful event – our first CPA Australia ‘Caring for the community’ Walkathon & Photo Competition on 16 October.

This event provides a great opportunity for you to contribute to a charitable cause, meet other CPA Australia members, and help us spread the message of caring for the community. It also includes a photo competition where you can exercise your creativity and win a prize!

Our charity cause:
Your participation fee will be donated to help the work of Jubilee Ministries in providing basic food staples to support low-income families and elderly in the area most reliant on CSSA in Hong Kong – Kwun Tong district.

According to an Oxfam survey from May to July, 1 out of 6 low-income families with children below 15 are afflicted by hunger and have to feed on leftovers. Data collected from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service shows that these 4-5 member families can only spare $25 for a meal, making it difficult to sustain themselves as food prices continue to rise at an estimated inflationary rate of 7-8% this year.

Event details:

Sunday 16 October 2011

Gathering time & place:
8.00am at Wanchai Gap Park

Wanchai Gap Park – Black’s Link – Wong Nai Chung Gap Road – Tai Tam Reservoir Road – Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir
Distance & finish time:    12.5 kilometers (approx. 2 – 2.5 hours)


150 members and non-members aged 16 or above


Participation fee:
(Tax deductible receipts will be mailed to individuals)


Photo competition with prizes (Optional)
To add to the fun, we invite you to bring your camera with you and put your creativity and photography skills to the test. Click on the ‘Register Now’ button and see our flyer to find out more.

Registrations are accepted by first-come-first-served, with priority given to members. As participants’ fees will be donated directly for charity, cancellations or refunds are not allowed. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email by 6 October.

For enquiries, please contact Diana Tsang or Selina Lo on +852 2891 3312 or by email.


Jubilee Ministries
Jubilee Ministries is an NGO devoted to caring for the grassroots and marginal groups, helping them rebuild their lives from being broken to being more healthy and meaningful. Their ministries include Marginal Youth, ‘Love Your Neighbor’ (poor people in Tai Kok Tsui area), Food Bank and Food Co-op (for deprived families), Rehab’s Rehab (for prostitutes) and Elderly.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.faaa.org.hk/2011-oct-16-cpa-australia-walkathon-photo-competition-sag/