Study Australia 網上教育展由澳洲駐香港總領事館籌劃,超過 80 間頂尖大學、高等教育學院、中小學及教育機構參加,學生可即時與澳洲院校代表互動交流,查詢心儀課程的入學要求。大會亦設有資訊中心解答申請手續、簽證、當地生活概況等疑問,冀能為有意赴笈澳洲升學的學生及家長,提供最新、最齊全的升學資訊。
日期: 2022年5月28日 (星期六)
時間: 12:00-4:00pm
登記: https://studyinaustralia.events
歡迎各位學生、家長及老師參加,費用全免,立即登記。有關Study Australia 網上教育展詳情及參展院校名單,請瀏覽網站:https://studyinaustralia.events。
Study Australia Virtual Fair 2022
The Australian Government is hosting the Study Australia Virtual Fair on Saturday 28 May 2022.
There will be around 80 Australian universities, foundation program colleges, vocational education
institutions, English test providers and government organisations at the fair to provide information on Australian study options and discuss study plans with prospective students.
The Study Australia Virtual Fair provides Hong Kong and Macau students an opportunity to learn
about various study disciplines, flexible education pathways, scholarship programs, support services for international students, employability and internship opportunities, visas and more. Students and parents can choose to have live consultations with Australian institution representatives through audio or video calls and have their questions answered.
Online registration is open at the event website: https://studyinaustralia.events. Prior registration is needed. The full list of institutions and organisations participating is also available there.