Consul-General Appointed


Australia’s Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, has announced the appointment of Ms Michaela Browning as Australia’s next Consul-General in Hong Kong.

Australia and Hong Kong enjoy a warm bilateral relationship built on strong people-to-people connections and deep economic ties. Around 100,000 Australians live in Hong Kong, and approximately 96,000 people from Hong Kong live in Australia. Over 400 Australian undergraduate students have been funded to study and undertake internships in Hong Kong under the New Colombo Plan.

Hong Kong is a valued partner in APEC, the World Trade Organization and other multilateral organisations. Hong Kong is also Australia’s leading business base in East Asia, and more than 600 Australian businesses have offices in the city. In 2015, total two-way trade was HK$91.3 billion.

Ms Browning is a senior career public servant and was most recently Head of Investment, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade). She has held a range of senior positions including Head of Established Markets and Special Adviser to the CEO on Strategy and China (Austrade) and Senior Adviser to the then Defence and Foreign Ministers. Ms Browning was also a Trade Negotiator at the Doha Development Round and for the free trade agreements Australia negotiated with the USA and Singapore. She has previously served overseas in Thailand and Singapore.

Ms Browning holds a Masters in Foreign Affairs & Trade and a Bachelor of Economics with Honours, both from Monash University.





澳洲外交部部長畢曉普女士任命彭朗寧女士(Michaela Browning)為新任駐香港總領事。

澳洲與香港有緊密的雙邊關係,以深厚的經濟貿易聯繫和兩地人民之間的廣泛交流為基礎。約有10萬名澳洲人在香港居住,而香港人在澳洲居住的人數約有96,000。另外, 有超過四百名澳洲大學生透過「新科倫坡計劃」來港進修或實習。


彭朗寧女士是一位資深的高級公務員。來港之前, 她出任澳洲商務及投資署的投資部總監。過往她曾擔任一系列高級職位,包括: 澳洲商務署完善市場部的總監、及該署首席執行官就策略和中國方面的特别顧問,以及國防及外交部長的高級顧問。彭女士也曾經出任多哈回合和多個自由貿易協議的談判代表,代表澳洲與美國和新加坡達成的自由貿易協定。她曾派駐泰國和新加坡工作。




The Australian Consulate-General Hong Kong:
Mr Gavin McDougall Tel: (852) 2585 4418 or 6473 8885
Ms Simmy Lam Tel: (852) 2585 4482 or 9211 8937
Email: [email protected]

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