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May 24 2017
Skilled Migration to Australia – Strategies in the aftermath of 18 April 2017
FAAA has the honour to invite Mr Wilson Chan to give us an insight into the latest development of Australian Immigration and Taxation Laws. Wilson has been actively practising in the immigration profession in Australia for more than 20 years and specializes in complex cases including appeals and reviews. He is also a regular CPD presenter for fellow migration agents.
About the speaker:
- Master of Business Administration – The University of Queensland, Australia
- Fellow Member of the Migration Institute of Australia Ltd
- Committee member of the QLD branch of the Migration Institute of Australia Ltd
- Fellow Member of CPA Australia
- Fellow Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and NZ
- Certified Financial Planner of the Financial Planning Association of Australia Ltd
- Professional Translator (Chinese –> English) – National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI)
- Justice Of The Peace Qld (Qualified)
Date: 28 June 2017 (Wednesday) 7:00pm
Venue: HKU SPACE Room 315, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, HK
Language: Cantonese
Admission: FREE (First-come-first-served) Seats are strictly limited. Light refreshment will be provided.
Please reserve on/before Wednesday, the 20th of June 2017.
For reservation or enquiry, please contact:
Ms Shirley Mak +852 6082 1997 or [email protected]
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Apr 05 2017
Australian Alumni Speaker Series: Building lifelong partnerships with Australian alumni in Asia
Speaker: Mukund Narayanamurti – Chief Executive Officer, Asialink Business
Date: 20 April 2017
Time: 6:30pm Registration and cocktails
Venue: Australian Consulate-General Hong Kong
Address: 24/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wanchai
Price: Free for Australian Alumni (Limited places available)
RSVP: [email protected]
Mukund is leading Asialink Business’ mandate from the Australian Government (Department of Industry, Innovation and Science), the Myer Foundation and the University of Melbourne, to create an Asia capable workforce in Australia through the delivery of best in class capability development programs, research and information, and forums and events focused on Australia’s engagement with Asia.
He built his experience at KPMG facilitating investments between Australia and Asia in industries including energy and resources, banking, agribusiness and information technology. His countries of focus have included India, China, Singapore and South Korea. He also has a deep knowledge of working with government and has helped facilitate a range of engagement strategies and interactions with Asia for state and federal government departments in Australia.
Mukund received his MBA from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant and has also completed a Masters of International Tax from the University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from Deakin University.
He was awarded Deakin University’s “Alumni of the Year” award in 2011 and an Australian Leadership Award from the Australian Davos Connection in 2012. He was also named a New Colombo Plan (NCP) Business Champion in 2016 by the Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon. Julie Bishop MP.
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Apr 05 2017
Consul-General Appointed
Australia’s Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, has announced the appointment of Ms Michaela Browning as Australia’s next Consul-General in Hong Kong.
Australia and Hong Kong enjoy a warm bilateral relationship built on strong people-to-people connections and deep economic ties. Around 100,000 Australians live in Hong Kong, and approximately 96,000 people from Hong Kong live in Australia. Over 400 Australian undergraduate students have been funded to study and undertake internships in Hong Kong under the New Colombo Plan.
Hong Kong is a valued partner in APEC, the World Trade Organization and other multilateral organisations. Hong Kong is also Australia’s leading business base in East Asia, and more than 600 Australian businesses have offices in the city. In 2015, total two-way trade was HK$91.3 billion.
Ms Browning is a senior career public servant and was most recently Head of Investment, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade). She has held a range of senior positions including Head of Established Markets and Special Adviser to the CEO on Strategy and China (Austrade) and Senior Adviser to the then Defence and Foreign Ministers. Ms Browning was also a Trade Negotiator at the Doha Development Round and for the free trade agreements Australia negotiated with the USA and Singapore. She has previously served overseas in Thailand and Singapore.
Ms Browning holds a Masters in Foreign Affairs & Trade and a Bachelor of Economics with Honours, both from Monash University.
澳洲外交部部長畢曉普女士任命彭朗寧女士(Michaela Browning)為新任駐香港總領事。
澳洲與香港有緊密的雙邊關係,以深厚的經濟貿易聯繫和兩地人民之間的廣泛交流為基礎。約有10萬名澳洲人在香港居住,而香港人在澳洲居住的人數約有96,000。另外, 有超過四百名澳洲大學生透過「新科倫坡計劃」來港進修或實習。
彭朗寧女士是一位資深的高級公務員。來港之前, 她出任澳洲商務及投資署的投資部總監。過往她曾擔任一系列高級職位,包括: 澳洲商務署完善市場部的總監、及該署首席執行官就策略和中國方面的特别顧問,以及國防及外交部長的高級顧問。彭女士也曾經出任多哈回合和多個自由貿易協議的談判代表,代表澳洲與美國和新加坡達成的自由貿易協定。她曾派駐泰國和新加坡工作。
The Australian Consulate-General Hong Kong:
Mr Gavin McDougall Tel: (852) 2585 4418 or 6473 8885
Ms Simmy Lam Tel: (852) 2585 4482 or 9211 8937
Email: [email protected]
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Apr 03 2017
FAAA Singing Contest 2017
Date: 29th April, 2017
Time: 2pm – 6pm
Venue: SPARK Bar & Restaurant
Address: 4/F, LKF 29, 29 Wyndham Street, Central, HK, 000 Central District,
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Feb 21 2017
UON Hong Kong Alumni Chapter celebratory publication and invitation to AGM
The Office of Alumni and Philanthropy and the UON Hong Kong Alumni Chapter are delighted to share with you a pictorial publication celebrating the University’s 50th anniversary and the continuing wonderful activities of the vibrant Hong Kong Chapter, UON Hong Kong Alumni Chapter celebrates 50 years.
We invite all alumni based in Hong Kong to join us for our upcoming of AGM of the Hong Kong Alumni Chapter where we will also share more about the Chapter and our plans and activities in the year ahead.
Date: 24 February 2017
Venue: The PolyU Staff Club, 5/F., Communal Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Cost: HKD300, for Spring Dinner (Western Cuisine)
RSVP: Email [email protected] to register for this event
We hope you enjoy this publication and can join us for the AGM.
Kind Regards,
UON Alumni Team
[email protected]
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Dec 14 2016
UNSW HK Alumni Xmas Drinks
Dear UNSW Alumnus,
Following our successful alumni drinks held in October, we are holding another event in the spirit of Christmas. It is with great delight that we announce the 2016 HK UNSW Alumni Chapter Christmas Drinks.
With over 6000+ UNSW alumni in this dynamic metropolis from a myriad of industries, what better way than to spend the evening mingling and networking with this diverse group of people? Catch up with old friends or meet new ones, you never know what the evening will bring.
So spread the word and invite your UNSW alumnus peers and enjoy a relaxed evening over a few drinks. Partners are also welcome, more the merrier!
<<<<<<<<<< EVENT DETAILS >>>>>>>>>>
Date: Wednesday 14th December 2016
Time: 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Location: Armani/Aqua Restaurant (2/F, Landmark Chater (Chater House), 8 Connaught Road, Central)
Drinks deal: $75 (+10% service) for all standard drinks
Prizes: Special Christmas raffle + lucky door prize!
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RSVP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Email the following details to [email protected]
* Your Full Name
* Contact Number
* Company
* Job Title
* UNSW Student ID
* UNSW School of Study
* Partner’s Full Name
* Contact Number
* Company
* Job Title
* UNSW Student ID (if applicable)
* UNSW School of Study (if applicable)
Hope to see you there!
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Nov 22 2016
ABC Christmas Happy Hour 2016
Please join us for drinks and holiday cheer!
Date: 8th December, 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Cost: HK$220 including unlimited drinks and lucky draw
RSVP: [email protected]
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Sep 28 2016
Great South Australian Wine Tasting
Join us on 25 Oct to celebrate the newest member of the Great Wine Capitals Global Network – Adelaide, South Australia. As your host for the evening, we invite you to join us to taste world-class wines from the region’s most renowned wineries, and discover why Adelaide has just been named the latest “Great Wine Capital of the World”
Date: 25 October, 2016 (Tue)
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Venue: The Hub
Address: 1F, Fortune Building,150-158 Lockhart Road, WanChai, Hong Kong
Ticket: HK$150 (FAAA Member HK$80)
Please use the Promo Code “FAAAHK” when you purchase ticket online here:
Event Highlights:
Discover South Australian Wine Introduction
by Debra Meiburg, Master of Wine
Presented at 6:45 pm & 7:30 pm
Participating Wineries:
Farmer’s Leap
Hentley Farm
Hither and Yon
Sons of Eden
St Hallett
Oliver’s Taranga
TurkeyFlat Vineyards
Presented by:
PIRSA: Primary Industries and regions SA (PIRSA) is a key economic development agency in the government of South Australia, with responsibility for the prosperity of the state’s primary industries and regions.
Meiburg Wine Media: a multimedia platform for wine education and entertainment based in Hong Kong and headed by Master of Wine Debra Meiburg. Its activities include corporate and wine trade events, an active presence and avid following on social media and regular contributions to print and broadcast media throughout Asia Pacific.
The Federation of Australian Alumni Associations Hong Kong
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Sep 21 2016
Joint Uni German Bierfest 2016
Venue: Viewing Platform, Level 6, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel
Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Date: 5 November 2016
Time: 6:00pm – 11:00pm
Happy Hour: 6:00pm – 7:00pm *Buy one glass of beer by Octopus at bar counter to redeem one additional glass of beer on the spot
Fee: HK$280 (includes a glass of beer and one Marco Polo German Bierfest beer mug)
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Aug 15 2016
UQAA Wine Tasting Networking Event
Let’s come and join our wine tasting networking event. Enjoy the fellowship and taste 5 different French wines.
Presentation of wines and introduction of wine knowledge are included in the event.
Language: English
Price: HK$200 (UQAA-HK Members)
HK$250 (Non UQAA-HK Members)
HK$300 (Walk-ins)
Price includes 5 wines + aroma kit + simple finger food
Price are non-refundable
You can only enjoy the discounted price if you register and paid on or before 22 August 2016)
Contact person: Inti Law 9309 8790
*Registration closes at 22 August, 2016 (Monday)
To make payment: Transfer via branch or ATM to Hang Seng Bank account no. 275-244-499-001 and
e-mail the pay-in slip to [email protected]
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Aug 01 2016
2016082 UoA Alumni Association Hong Kong Chapter – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

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Jul 06 2016
20160721 Mix at Six with AustCham on 21 July

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Jun 08 2016
VU Alumni Hong Kong Centenary Celebration Reception
VU Alumni Hong Kong Centenary Celebration Reception
Wednesday 29 June
7pm to 9pm
Central, Hong Kong
Business Attire
Please email [email protected] for registration or for more information.
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Apr 13 2016
The 11th FAAA Inter-University Bowling Competition
The 11th FAAA Inter-University Bowling Competition
Date : 15 May 2016 (Sunday)
Time : 11:00 – 2:00 (* Registration at 10:00)
Venue : Thunderbowl, Shop 2, B-1, Site 8, Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom
Price : Player $300 (Snacks & Competition)
Guest: $150 (Snacks & Fun Games)
Competition : 4 Players per team for 2 games
Awards : Best Female Player, Best Male Player & Champion Team
Contact: Tim
Register online:
RSVP by 9 May 2016
co-organized by University of Adelaide Hong Kong Chapter
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Apr 07 2016
UWA Hong Kong Event
Date: Thursday 14 April
Venue: Deutsche Bank
Address: Hong Kong, 九龍柯士甸道西1號環球貿易廣場52樓
Time: 6.30pm for 7pm start – 8.30pm
Cost: Complimentary (drinks and canapés included)
RSVP: Tuesday 5 April (limited places available)
Queries: Dee Adeyemi, Events Officer, UWA +61 6488 4214
Register here:
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Mar 22 2016
FAAA 2016 AGM cum ACG Paul Tighe’s Farewell Party
Please come for our Annual General Meeting cum Australia Consul-General Mr Paul and Diane Tighe’s Farewell party.
Date: 25 June 2016 (Saturday)
Time: AGM 6pm Dinner 7:30pm
Venue: L’Hotel Island South
Price: Member HK$550 Non-Member HK$600
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Mar 19 2016
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Mar 06 2016
2015-03-12 The 10th Karaoke Competition
The Federation Australian Alumni Associations presents the 10th Inter-University Karaoke Competition 2016 and co-ordinated by University of Queensland Alumni Association (Hong Kong)
Saturday 12th March, 2016
Time: 16:30 (Registration) 18:00 (Competition)
Katiga Japanese Food Shop, 37 Sung Kit Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon (加太賀, 紅磡崇潔街 37 號地下)
Price includes dinner and soft drinks:
HK$430 (Player)
Rule: Free choice of songs for the 1st round and then compulsory songs for the final.
Grand Prize for the Best Singer / Prize for the Best Prseenter / Prize for the Most Popular Award (voted by audience)
RSVP on or before 4 March 2016
Onine Form : Click here.
Email : [email protected]
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